Today we went back to Franklin with the Jeep and trailer so that we could potentially salvage some of our belongings. Mike's dad accompanied us. The water in the house, at it's height, was up to my shoulders. Luckily it had receded to about my stomach by the time we arrived. It went down another 6-8 inches in these pictures right before we left. I was able to get some clothes from my closet, a few books and movies. We also got the dishes.
However, everything we had just bought 1 day or 2 prior to the flood, was gone. Including all of our new bedding. We lost all 4 beds in the house, most likely our brand new couch, my Wacom tablet, some Apple stuff, and this and that. I think what hurt me the most was the dresser and mirror in our bedroom that my mother had bought me for moving out of the house. It had collapsed in our bedroom and was fully submerged. Our bedroom was the worst of everyones. Barely anything could be taken from it.
Elle's dad brought his boat from Murfreesboro and we were able to hand things out the window and he brought them to the Jeep. (Yes, the water was still that high.)
Our shed tipped over and our bikes were all inside. It hurts a lot to know we lost those, too. Mike and I worked on that sweet yellow bike for a while. It's just hard to see your life reduced down to a small pile of things.
Granted, I KNOW they're only materialistic things. I know they can be replaced. And believe me, we're counting our lucky stars that we're alive and well, and we have a cozy roof over our head and fresh meals being prepared by my wonderful parents. But it's so so so hard, still.
I bawled like a baby on the front porch before even going in. And tonight after we had returned to Hohenwald, I was crying in the yard as we were unloading things while someone campaigning came up. He said we should just be grateful that we're okay... and we are. SO grateful. But hearing that fifteen hundred times a day from people who haven't experienced it doesn't settle our spirits. I'm in no way trying to be selfish... it's just that we have lost EVERYTHING. Like so many people in our town and Nashville. and it's just unfathomable to think about where to start.
However, I remain 100% confident that we WILL get through this. We are ready to start a fresh, new life. We are ready to make this merely a memory. We're trying to not dwell on disaster.
There are more photos at my FLICKR. Click HERE to see the set. We're going to try to go back tomorrow if the water has gone down and I'll have more photos then, too.
Please continue to pray for our neighbors. It's such a scary thing to experience.
All of your emails have been what has gotten me through the days. You're all so so so incredibly sweet and I'm so humbled by all of this. You guys are keeping me strong.
Thank you all again. So much. This hasn't been easy but you're making it so much more bearable.

Kaelah, my heart breaks for you. As if my heart could break anymore! But it just did! I am so so so sorry for your loss. This flood has been absolutely incredible and indescribable. You have every right to be upset about your belongings being lost in this. Anyone in your situation would be upset. I'm so happy you and Mike and sweet baby G are okay! Thank the stars up above that you guys are okay!
ReplyDeleteAgain, if you ever need anything, please let me know. I'm glad your mom lives so close that you are able to take refuge with her. I'm sure that is extremely comforting! Things will get brighter for you! The only way you can go is UP! <333
I'm so sorry! I know you've probably heard that enough in the past couple days. But I completely understand where you're coming from. losing so much all at once is definitely overwhelming & you have every right to cry about it. I wish there was something I could do about it!
ReplyDeleteImagining that seriously makes me just want to cry, I can not imagine how you must be feeling right now. I don't think you're being selfish at all. When you imagine all the time that went into collecting those things, and how hard you worked to buy them, it is terrible! You have every right to feel the way you do. Anyone who tries to say otherwise is full of it.
ReplyDelete<3 thinking of you.
ReplyDeleteThose pictures are heartbreaking. While you should be grateful that you are okay.....it doesn't mean that you can't be upset about your possessions. That doesn't make you selfish at all, it makes you human...and it is a devastating loss to lose everything you own. One I can't even imagine. Hang in there.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry! I honestly cannot imagine how it would be do go through that. BTW I just found your blog and and I love it! I want to live in NYC so badly!!!
ReplyDeleteI tweeted this. Found your photos on Flickr. Very sad and scary. I would be bawling too! Glad you all made it out okay.
ReplyDeleteI am so so so sorry. Can't imagine how it feels but it must be horrible. Hope that things will get so much better for you, soon. All the best <3
ReplyDelete:( i'm so sad to hear about this. i hope you'lll be able to move back soon and get your lives together again. <3
ReplyDeletei'd be a complete wreck. it must be difficult to look on the up side when something this bad happens. you're being so brave.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe how terrible this is. I agree, you are so brave. <3<3<3
You're not being ungrateful or selfish for missing the material things. It's human of you. I'd be in hysterics if I lost all my stuff. xoxo
ReplyDeleteHang in there! Don't let anyone make you feel bad for crying! That guy sounds like an ass. I can't imagine what you're going through.
ReplyDeleteSending loads and loads of hugs your way.. I know how it feels, although not through the same way - when my ex and I split up he played dirty and told our landlady I'd moved out, resulting in me having to move across the county in a week, in a tiny car, having left all my books, artwork, letters, shoes, furniture, records etc - pretty much everything I owned bar some clothes and trainers.. it's hard and my thoughts are with you mate. But before you know it this will be a memory (I hope) and you'll be on your way back to where you were xxxx Lots of hugs and loves xxxxx
ReplyDeleteSorry to see this has happened to you, this is so sad. Glad that you're ok though x
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry this happened to you. My dad lives in Nashville as well as friends. Nashville is my second home and it breaks my heart to pieces to see the tragedy it has suffered. I love the town. You as well as the rest of Nashville will be in my prayers!
ReplyDeleteI am so so so so sorry that this has happened to you. The pictures all speak for themselves. I am so sorry you lost your things, though they are just materials it still hurts because some of them might have a deeper meaning than that. So you are definitely NOT selfish NOR materialistic. It sucks that you and Nashville have to endure this, but you will all be able to get through it, sometimes these things happen to test your strength and you are definitely strong. Keep your head up =), you and Nashville are all in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteI can't tell you how incredibly sad this makes me, I know you are feeling a lot worse. I hope everything works out for you guys. *hugs*
I'm so glad that you and your family are okay. <3
ReplyDeleteThis is so scary and sad. I literally got choked up while looking at the photos. I hope that you are all doing well and that things continue to look up for you!
ReplyDeleteLike some others have said, don't feel at all guilty for being upset. Having something like this happen out of nowhere would shake up anyone. Again, I'm glad you're ok and I know I'm all the way up in Iowa but if there's ANYTHING I can do, please let me know! <3
ReplyDeleteI'm so, so sorry that all of this is happening. You seem to have such a positive attitude about the situation, and I don't know that I'd be able to handle it the way you seem to be so you should really be proud of yourself. Don't feel guilty at all for being upset about the whole thing! You're going through enough already. It's crazy how quickly things like this can happen, and honestly I'm glad you're sharing it. I think that anybody who isn't going through this could probably really use the reality check as a chance for us all to be grateful about how lucky we are. Chin up! Clearly, you have oodles of people that care about you! Hugs.
ReplyDeleteKaelah, oh my goodness, I don't even have words! If you need anything, just let me know!!
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for you and your neighbours.
ReplyDeleteI hope everything clears up soon, perhaps you can get your bikes and clean them up when it's all dry?
I'm mostly a lurker... I don't think I've ever commented before... but my god, I am so, so sorry.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck to you and your neighbors... This looks unbelievable. I really hope everything turns out okay. I'm glad you and your family are safe.
Keep your chin up! The blogging world loves you~
Oh Kaelah. I'm so sorry to hear this. I know we're strangers in reality, but I've been thinking of you a lot during this whole thing. It is completely devastating to lose the home you've lovingly created. I know I would feel a great loss if some of my "things" were damaged beyond repair and I have no shame in saying so.
ReplyDeleteThis is so sad and unfortunate. Our prayers are with you all. I hope things look up soon!